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Episode 87

Identify & Eliminate Time Draculas. Become More Selfishly-Productive. Drive More Results.

In this first episode of 2025, Mike is simple and straight forward tackling one of the biggest obstacles to sales success that he is currently seeing — sales managers, salespeople, and entire sales teams who have lost sight of their primary job and lost focus on WINNING NEW SALES!

Too many sellers and leaders are engaging in tension-relieving activities instead of goal-achieving activities. They’re busy but not productive. They’re distracted by lower-payoff tasks and not prioritizing the only three sales verbs that matter — Create. Advance. Close.

Listen in for a refresher on the power of time-blocking high-payoff activities and the importance of identifying and eliminating “Time Draculas” — those non-revenue generating, lower-value activities that suck an exorbitant amount of sellers’ time and energy and keep them from building pipeline and closing deals.

Mike concludes the episode with a helpful, practical example of a salesperson who experienced a major breakthrough simply by identifying and addressing one massive Time Dracula that was stealing his selling time.


Episode 57: The #1 Reason Your Sales Team Is Not Bringing In More New Business

The New Sales. Simplified. Video Coaching Series

Chapter 14 in New Sales. Simplified.

Supercharge Your Sales Leadership Event

This episode is sponsored by Pursuit Sales Solutions. If you are looking for help adding A-player talent to your team, contact Mike’s friends at pursuitsalessolutions.com/weinberg