I’ve been noticing how little time executives and salespeople actually spend on their highest-value activities and stated priorities. It sounds silly and it’s certainly nonsensical. If something is a major objective, a priority, or deemed highly-valuable, how in the world does it end up getting less of our time and focus?
Even as I typed and now reread that last sentence, I’m shaking my head. I’m guilty! Frankly, that’s me. And it’s just about every entrepreneur, senior manager, and salesperson I work with, too. We live in a time with an unparalleled number of distractions. We’ve never had more communication options or been so accessible. We are lured by the seduction of multitasking. Many of us are working a silly number of hours and, unfortunately, spending a huge percentage of those hours in reactive mode – responding to demands for our time, to emails, to the tyranny of the urgent. And let’s not even get started on our addictions (smartphones, tablets, social media) and the destructive toll they take on our think/creative time and ability to focus.
My anecdotal observations show that almost all highly effective executives and high-performing salespeople are incredibly selfish with their time, and they focus like a laser on their highest-payoff activities. They’re masters at focusing and reap the benefits of understanding and applying The Power of Focus. Yet, the vast majority of us don’t own our calendars, guard our time, minimize distractions, or spend anywhere enough time focused on the very things/tasks that truly move the needle. And on top of all that, we live in a perpetually overwhelmed state, are often haggard and exhausted doing our darnedest to keep all the plates spinning.
That’s why I’ve invited my good friend, Les Hewitt, to join me for a brief live web-video conversation this Wednesday. Les wrote the book on focus – literally! He’s the co-author of the #1 New York Times Bestseller, The Power of Focus (along with Jack Canfield and Mark Victor Hansen). Les has been like a big brother and mentor to me. (That pic is of us hiking in Lake Louise, Canada two summers ago). He’s worked with over 300 companies around the globe, had a profound impact on my life and business, and he is one of the finest human beings on this planet. I asked if I could interview him for my audience because so many executives and salespeople I observe struggle with their ability to focus.
Please join Les and me this Wednesday, April 27th and 1:00 Eastern, Noon Central for this interactive live web conversation: Increase Your Focus to Increase Results and Improve Your Life. No slides. No pitch. Just Les answering my questions and some of yours as well. Takeaways from this session:
- How to get total clarity on what you really want
- Practical, powerful tips on how to become (and stay) laser-focused to hit your most important objectives
- Methods to avoid the distractions that keep sucking your time, energy and productivity
- A framework to not only achieve your most important business goals, but to help you create an exceptional quality of life!
CLICK HERE for more info and to register: Increase Your Focus to Increase Results and Improve Your Life.