I get asked to read more sales books than I could possibly get to. And of those I do read, very few get my endorsement or shared with you here. Well, this past week I finally got my hands on a new book that I’ve been eagerly anticipating.
I like everything (the layout, accessibility, smooth writing, short, punchy chapters, practical approach, valuable insights, meaty advice) about Andy Paul’s superb, practical, valuable new book, Amp Up Your Sales: Powerful Strategies That Move Customers To Make Fast, Favorable Decisions.
In the name of full disclosure, I’ve known Andy Paul for several years and have great respect for his experience and sales acumen. He’s one of my favorite people, and a sales guru with whom I love to talk Sales. And anyone who reads Amp Up Your Sales will not only gain a similar respect for him as a sales expert, but as an author. This book is so well organized and well written; it’s a joy to read. And what’s even better? It’s no-nonsense. There’s no hype or hyperbole, no shiny new toys and fake new theories – just really solid, really helpful sales advice for today’s sellers.
Paul’s long-time premise has been that we can accelerate the speed of selling and our own sales performance by helping buyers make good decisions faster. That theme permeates the valuable tips throughout the book. Paul delivers not just the theory, but the “how.” He implores sellers to turn off the auto-pilot and become more thoughtful, aware, intentional and deliberate about every interaction with the customer. Customers have limited time and many people and tasks competing for that time. That means that they must receive value from every interaction with a salesperson.
While there is much to love in this book, Chapter 37 may be my favorite. If you’ve been around my site for any time at all, you’re well aware of my strong feelings about the critical topic of the “sales story.” Paul makes a strong case about the need for a compelling, customer-issue-centered message. I absolutely love the way he challenges the reader to think hard about how you answer the question “what do you do?” And, for the record, I am in complete agreement with his recipes for strengthening your story.
I strongly encourage you to grab a copy of Amp Up Your Sales – not because Andy’s my friend (which he is), because it’s published by AMACOM (my publisher, too), or because I get paid if you link over to Amazon (because I don’t – Missouri residents can’t be Amazon affiliates). You need this book because it will challenge you to rethink your role as a seller, and because it more than delivers on its promise to help you help customers to make fast, favorable decisions.
About the Author:
Andy Paul is CEO and founder of Zero-Time Selling, Inc. and author of Amp Up Your Sales: Powerful Strategies That Move Customers to Make Fast, Favorable Decisions. When you order your copy now, you will get instant access to Andy’s 6-part video series with big-time sales gurus like Jill Konrath, Jeffrey Gitomer, Anthony Iannarino, Art Sobczak and more.