Free Sales Executive Power Hour with Six Sales Leadership Experts

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I’m finally in the home stretch writing my new book on sales management. As exciting as it was to share my first book, New Sales. Simplified., with the sales world, I honestly think that this book on sales management is even more needed today.

In my early days as a consultant and coach, I mistakenly believed that I could transform my clients’ sales teams by improving individual producers. If I could just get salespeople to become more proactive, to strategically target prospects and growable existing customers, to sharpen their “sales story,” to use the phone more effectively, to conduct better sales calls, and to take back control of their calendars, their companies would experience radical sales growth, or so I thought. Sure, I witnessed all kinds of dramatic performance improvement across a wide range of individual salespeople. And many executives and managers successfully adopt principles from my coaching and book into how they lead their sales teams and are seeing great results. However, with experience, I have learned that you don’t transform sales organizations by improving the salespeople. To create true, significant, and lasting sales team performance improvement, you must address sales leadership and culture. That’s why the majority of my consulting engagements today are focused on sales leadership, and also why I felt compelled to tackle the topic of sales management in a book.

Over the next few months, I look forward to sharing more with you about the new book, including the title, cover, and table of contents. AMACOM is publishing this book, too, and it’s scheduled to be released in the fall. But today, I want to share a powerful opportunity for executives and sales managers that they can take advantage of right now!

Next week, five good friends, all sales leadership experts, and I are offering a free one-hour live web video session specifically for executives and sales managers. Back in January, the same crew held a virtual sales kickoff that received rave reviews and has been viewed  by thousands and thousands of people.

I am inviting you to join Miles Austin, Jeb Blount, Mark Hunter, Anthony Iannarino, John Spence and me on Tuesday, March 31 at 11:00 am Eastern (10:00 here in the Central US where the cool kids live, 8:00am on the Left Coast)

Six experts, nine minutes each. No slides. No sales pitch. Just straight talk, blunt observations and powerful, practical sales leadership strategies. One hour. Not only is it free (thank you to our sponsor Omnijoin), but we’ve also put together six freebies for you just for registering.

Sales leaders, take one minute to register here, and spend one power hour with us on Tuesday, March 31.

I’ve got two promises for you: One, you (or your sales leader) will get supreme value from this event. The other five guys presenting are the best of the best, and I can’t wait for you to meet John Spence, one of the foremost leadership gurus on the planet! My second promise is that you (or your sales leader) are going to get an earful from me about the things companies and sales managers are doing that are destroying the sales culture, demoralizing salespeople, and damaging results. I will not hold back; I will not be politically correct. No one will leave my nine-minute segment unsure of what I’m seeing in the real world with real sales teams and how I feel about it!

See you on the 31st at 11:00 Eastern.

Click here for more info about the speakers, to register, and to unlock your six free gifts from the presenters.

Again, thank you to OmniJoin web and video conferencing solutions for sponsoring this great event.


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