How a Top Sales Producer Prospects, Owns Process, Beats Procurement & Consistently Makes New Sales

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If you’re in sales, care about sales, lead a sales team, or run a business, you will love this conversation with a legit, proven, true-blue A-player salesperson who’s a perennial top producer. In fact, the only group who will not benefit from or enjoy this are procurement people!

In this gripping conversation, my sales rockstar guest, Dominic Testo, and I cover topics ranging from positivity to prospecting to sales process to procurement to profitability. Dominic shares how a top-producing sales hunter sees himself, his role, his customers, and his duty to make his company successful. 


  • The positive outlook and mindset of a consistent winner
  • How differently the average salesperson reacted when the pandemic hit vs. how the top 5 percent of sellers responded
  • How top-performing sellers view themselves, their role, and their prospects/customers
  • Living proof that prospecting for new business is not dead, despite what the nouveau experts (charlatans) are preaching on LinkedIn
  • Why it’s critical to own your selling process
  • The keys to telling procurement people to “pound sand”
  • How Dominic worked his way into his #1 dream prospect
  • What top salespeople want/expect from senior management

I can’t imagine a sales leader listening to this conversation without getting excited or shouting a few “Amens!”  And there is not a sales professional on this planet who wouldn’t be encouraged, affirmed, challenged, and inspired (and get at least five solid takeaways) from this episode. 

Do yourself (or your sales team) a favor:  On your next drive, walk, or workout, take a listen to this uber-powerful conversation!

Sales Execs and Sales Managers: The Sales Management. Simplified. Video Coaching Series is the biggest and the best thing I’ve ever created, and based on feedback from sales leaders who’ve gone through the series, I am 100% confident of the impact it will have on you, your sales team, and your business!

There is truly nothing else like this available for sales leaders. TAKE A LOOK at the powerful combination of teaching, facilitated dialogue, and panel interaction as my expert guests and I help you tackle today’s biggest sales challenges.

So If you’re ready to radically increase sales management effectiveness, check out our special pricing and bonuses, and be sure to watch the sample video clips HERE.

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