Thank you. Thank you. Thank you! I could not be more thankful. And I’d like to take this opportunity to demonstrate it.
We have been blown away by the response to my new book New Sales. Simplified. – The Essential Handbook for Prospecting and New Business Development. The feedback from CEOs, sales executives, sales gurus, reviewers and book retailers is beyond what I had hoped.
The official “publication date” is Tuesday, September 4th. And while the PR blitz has barely yet begun, the book spent the majority of the past ten days as #1 on Amazon’s Hot New Release list in the Sales and Selling category.
For the past two weeks, I’ve been besieged by requests for the Kindle version of the book. I am sorry for the delay and very pleased to share that the Kindle book is slated to be available for download this coming Tuesday, September 4th.
In appreciation for the support, excitement and success of the book thus far, and to thank those of you who have waited patiently (or nagged in an encouraging, yet not-so-patient way) for the Kindle book, I would like to pay for 50 Kindle purchases of my book made on Tuesday morning.
The Offer, Details and Disclaimers for this Kindle Purchase Reimbursement Promotion:
- Buy the Kindle version of New Sales. Simplified. after 8:00am EDT on Tuesday, September 4, 2012;
- Tweet and/or post to LinkedIn this update verbatim (copy and paste it): New Sales. Simplified. by @mike_weinberg is available on Kindle. Just bought mine. Get yours now!
- Email a copy of your Kindle purchase receipt along with a copy of your tweet or LinkedIn update to this address:
- The first 50 emails received that meet the above requirements will receive a $10 Amazon gift card via email (back to the address of your original email within 48 hours)
- Purchases made prior to 8:00am on 9/4/12 are not eligible for the gift card
- If the Kindle book price drops below $9.99, I will still send you a $10 gift card
- I am not engaging Price Waterhouse to audit this, and I believe in grace. That means if a bunch of emails all come in around the same time when we are close to 50, I’ll buy a few extra gift cards out of generosity. It also means that you will be nice to me if we screw this up and you don’t receive your gift card within 48 hours. Just email me again and I’ll make it right.
- One free book per customer/household/voter ID. Mike Weinberg’s family, neighbors, kids’ teachers, fantasy football opponents, and clients of the New Sales Coach are not eligible for this offer.
- After the give-away, the email address will be shut down. Please don’t try to contact me through that address. I will not reply to emails sent to that address. It is only for Tuesday’s give-away.
Thank you again for the support, encouragement and sharing your excitement about the book. Let’s have some fun with this Kindle purchase reimbursement promotion and make even more noise about New Sales. Simplified. I look forward to the deluge of emails on Tuesday requesting the gift card. It will be my pleasure to fulfill them!
One more thing, in all seriousness. Tuesday is the kickoff of the 2012 Fall Selling Season. Get out there and make it happen. There is no more valuable time of the year than the 11 weeks between Labor and Thanksgiving. Sprint hard. Finish 2012 with a bang and set yourself up for the best sales year ever in 2013.