Every once in a while I see or hear something completely unrelated to sales that I feel compelled to share with you. This is one of those times.
29 years ago at The University at Albany, I met Chris Edom as he was was rushing the business fraternity when I was rush chairman. We’ve been dear friends since. I love this man and after hearing his story and his heart, I promise that you will, too.
I don’t want to steal his thunder or even attempt to do justice what he covers in this meaningful, heart-wrenching and heart-inspiring conversation with All Chapped Up podcast host Chris Chappel. But this much I will share: After graduating with honors and a business degree, Chris chose teaching – Kindergarten of all things – as his profession of choice. And in the first few minutes of this podcast, you’ll understand why – and why he also went to great lengths to become a contestant on the Fox reality show, American Grit. If you, or someone in your life, has faced bullying, or any number of conditions/disorders (like ADHD, OCD, PTSD), I would just encourage you to give a listen. Hear Chris’ story, how he’s facing his demons and experiencing victory, and how his transparency is impacting others and changing lives.
No, this isn’t specifically about sales. And, no, I’m definitely not a reality-TV guy, but there are some powerful lessons in here for all of us, whether we sell, lead people, have any of these issues in our lives, or don’t. And as popular and trendy as the topic of “Grit” has become, I think you’ll be moved hearing how my long-time friend found his. You can play the podcast below or jump over to Soundcloud and listen from there.
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PS – Big props to Chris Chappel, military veteran and current truck driver, for launching this new podcast, and the great job he’s doing as host. He’s asked me to join him for a future a episode and I look forward to it.