Some of My Best Blunt Thoughts on Sales Culture (Podcast)

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Consider this a belated New Year greeting my friends and followers. Hard to believe we’re four weeks into the year! Hope you’ve had an outstanding and highly productive January. My biggest challenge has been trying to remember where I parked in the airport garage and what hotel room I’m in from night night as the month has been spent crisscrossing North America for client sales kickoff meetings.

Today’s post topic is as simple and straightforward as it gets: Sales Culture. And as Robert Klein, the CEO of the company that has the single healthiest sales culture I’ve ever experienced told me, “EVERYTHING flows from CULTURE.” 

Ch. 18Sales culture is a huge topic – one that doesn’t get anywhere near enough attention. I address the damage an anti-sales culture does to the heart engagement and performance of sales teams in Chapters 11 and 12 of Sales Management. Simplified. And in Chapter 18, I make the powerful case and then demonstrate how a healthy, high-performance sales culture can change everything.

Carlos Quintero, founder of Sales Effectiveness, Inc., understands the power of culture. He has a wealth of experience working with giant sales organizations, and is long-time student of sales culture. We’ve been dialoging by email and Carlos invited me back to be on his podcast for a second time – specifically to tackle the issue of sales culture. Although, at the very end of our conversation, we couldn’t help ourselves and did end up up diving into a fun, brief defense of prospecting. But don’t let that scare you away.

This is a 30-minute listen that is well worth your time this weekend. As I played back the episode, I kept thinking of the executives and sales managers that I so badly wish would take this message to heart because it would transform their sales team and long-term sales results.

CLICK HERE to jump over to Carlos’ page where you can listen to our engaging conversation and some of my best blunt thoughts about sales culture. Would love to have you share this podcast and your reaction, thoughts and feedback on social media after you listen.


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