Free Chapters and Personal Perspective for the Most Comprehensive Sales Guide of the Decade

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In my opinion, Anthony Iannarino is the finest sales mind in our business today. He’s my personal #1 Go-To Sales Guru. He’s the first person I turn to for sales help, and he is the only one I turned to when my most sophisticated client needed perspective and assistance beyond what I was providing.

Iannarino PortraitAnthony is dear friend and a generous man. And, I could not be more excited to share that finally, this man who has blessed the sales community with six straight years of daily (free) blog posts is releasing his first book, The Only Sales Guide You’ll Ever Need. Like many of you, I’ve been awaiting this book for a very long time! And now you can get your copy.

This book launch, like everything Anthony does, is being done well. Very well. And because he wants you to get maximum value from the book, he’s made free chapters available, provided the inside scoop and backstory for the book, and also making very compelling offers to those who place a preorder.

Head over to right now. Grab the free chapters. Watch the video to see why Anthony walked away from other book publishing deals and why this was the book he was compelled to write. And put in your preorder for what I consider to be the most comprehensive sales book and guide written this decade.

As mentioned in my latest post, I was beyond honored to provide the foreword to The Only Sales Guide You’ll Ever Need. Here are just a few excerpts from the foreword which I am certain will whet your appetite to consume the full book:

“…Anthony pulls back the covers to expose deeper truths about who wins big in sales, why they win, and how they do it.”

“In The Only Sales Guide You’ll Ever Need, Anthony tackles a crucial, central question. And honestly, this really is the only relevant question: Why do a few highly successful salespeople consistently outperform their peers?

“This book is built on a critical premise: Contrary to what most underperformers claim, sales success is not situational. No, it’s not about the market, the product, the company, or the competition. It is all about the seller – the individual.

Go preorder the book. You’ll thank me later, and I think you’ll also agree that this is the most comprehensive book for salespeople and sales leaders written this decade.

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