In this powerful episode Mike hosts impressive sales leader Drew Ellis, a mid-market vice president for SAP. Drew is the very first guest whom Mike did not know personally to be invited on the show. Their new relationship started with a LinkedIn message thanking Mike for Sales Management. Simplified. The online dialogue led to a Zoom meeting where Drew shared the trajectory of his sales, and now sales management, career. Mike was so blown away by Drew’s sales acumen and passion for sales leadership and excellence that he asked Drew to come on the podcast.
In Part One of this conversation hear how Drew became a sales rock star during the Great Recession of 2008-2009 which opened new doors and opportunities. Listen to Drew share how his career progressed and his secret to becoming a true trusted advisor (and “thick as thieves”) with your most important customers! This episode is not just for leaders and is a great dialogue to share with your sales team members as well.

The upcoming October 11th event at the Porsche Experience Center was sold out but one group had to shift to the November session which opened up four spots. If you are looking to radically increase your sales management effectiveness in a one-day intensive with Mike and 50 hungry, energized sales leaders, get more info here on the premium venue (Porsche Experience Center Atlanta), packed agenda, and powerful outcomes from attending.