Episode 75 continues the string of recent shows where Mike shares real-life examples from what he’s observing with sales and sales management teams.
In this case, Mike was blown away leading a follow-up workshop with a large team that had done the heavy lifting to sharpen their “sales story.” Rep after rep testified to the difference in how customers were perceiving them and positively responding to their new customer issue and outcome-focused messaging.
Listen in for a quick refresher on the amazing benefits a compelling, differentiating, issue and outcome-focused “sales story” delivers and a few tips to help you upgrade yours (and how your team will be perceived)!
Mike wraps the episode with a few predictions about changes he’ll be making following his current sabbatical.
Sales Management Foundations Virtual Workshop Series
LinkedIn Post announcing Mike’s sabbatical
Chapters 7 and 8 in New Sales. Simplified.
Chapter 10 in Sales Truth
Your Sales Story online course

This episode is sponsored by Pursuit Sales Solutions. If you are looking for help adding A-player talent to your team, contact Mike’s friends at pursuitsalessolutions.com/weinberg