[Sales Leaders] Increase Sales Team Accountability and Your Productivity

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Due to canceled travel and a generous bonus offer we made during a pre-launch webinar for the Sales Management. Simplified. Video Coaching Series, I’ve had the amazing opportunity to conduct 1:1 coaching calls with dozens of executives and sales managers in the past two months.

And while I’ve absolutely loved these energizing 1:1 conversations with sales leaders, I am also troubled by a consistent theme that emerged from these meetings:  Way too many sales leaders are truly struggling to hold salespeople accountable, and a surprising number admitted to not even attempting to conduct regular 1:1 results and pipeline focused accountability meetings with each member of the sales team.

Sales Leaders, accountability is not a dirty word and a regular 1:1 results, pipeline, and activity (in that order!) focused meeting is your highest-payoff sales management activity. I offer some strong encouragement and a challenge for you in this three-minute video:


A powerful new book released today that will make you and your assistant incredibly more productive, and I’m strongly recommending this to you for two simple reasons:

1.   I have a rockstar executive assistant without whom my head would explode. Mary is amazing (just ask any of my clients), and she has made me exponentially more productive. Said differently, I understand, first-hand, the transformative power of a highly effective assistant, and I want you to experience the same!

2.  I know, love, and trust the author of this great book, The Leader Assistant: Four Pillars of a Confident, Game-Changing Assistant, and after you and/or your assistant read it, you will love (and thank) Jeremy Burrows, too.

Jeremy is a longtime executive assistant, international speaker and trainer, and host of the #1 podcast for assistants: The Leader Assistant Podcast. His passion is helping assistants and executives lead well without burning out. Jeremy has worked with CEOs, professional athletes, Fortune 100 board members, billionaires, pastors--and their assistants--in both the nonprofit and for-profit sectors.

This week only the Kindle launch price is only $0.99.  Order your copy right now and recommend this to every leader and leader assistant you know. I promise they’ll thank you.


As I wrote in a glowing endorsement, “Jeremy is the real deal – he was 'walking his walk' way before he ever thought about 'talking his talk.' I'm not sure there is someone on this planet who better understands not just the role and best practices for being a Leader Assistant, but who can articulate the hows, whys, dos, and don'ts so effectively."

Take advantage of this launch special and grab your copy now for 99 cents!

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