The ROI Is Huge for Those Who Implement

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This is Trevor. He’s the senior executive of a company he founded in the UK. He’s also an amazing human being.

I think it is fair to say that after the few days we just spent together at our Supercharge Your Sales Leadership event in Atlanta, our relationship crossed from client-coach to friends.

The way the schedule played out, I had the chance to spend some extra time with Trevor – including a 1:1 unplanned dinner when we ran into each other at the hotel rooftop bar following the event. When I asked him why he chose to make the long, expensive trip from overseas (again) to attend a session with virtually an identical agenda to the session he attended just 20 months earlier, the answer he gave was so impactful, I had to share it with you:

“The ROI is huge for those who implement. Implementers get the biggest return.”

Re-read and reflect for a minute on Trevor’s comment. It was so profound hearing it the first time that I asked him to repeat it for me again. 

What immediately began to run through my mind was how few people actually implement – actually put into practice what they learn. 

It also reminded me of an email I recently received from a salesperson and fan of my books. He was very proud to share with me a list of nine sales books he had read over the past year and then excitedly asked which book I recommended he read next. I was familiar with seven of the nine and all of them were great. And honestly, if any sales pro implemented even one-fifth of the ideas/takeaways/best practices from those books they’d be a rockstar. 

After pondering how to respond, I replied saying that the last thing he needed was another book or more information; the best and highest-impact thing he could do was IMPLEMENT even a handful of the critical takeaways from the powerful books he had already consumed!

Sales Friends and Sales Leaders, here’s a really odd bit of coaching from an author and content creator:  STOP searching for the next thing or the new idea, toy, tool, or trick. Recognize your FOMO and call it what it is. And…

Stop using “learning” as an excuse for not “doing.” 

Ask yourself, “Have I implemented the very few best practices that I know will work? Or have I become a learning junkie for the sake of consuming information or because I’m too scared, distracted, busy, or lazy to actually implement?”

Trevor told me that he came back again because of the tremendous impact attending the first time had on his sales leadership effectiveness and his business. I was thrilled to spend more time with him, and I bet that in Atlanta I got as much value from being with Trevor as he got from me.

Salespeople, keep sprinting through this fall selling season.

Sales Leaders, we are planning the 2022 Supercharge Your Sales Leadership events right now. We will likely do five of these next year. If you’d like more info once we have dates and venues locked down, let us know HERE. And if you’ve got a  major city or venue you’d like to nominate, shoot us a message. So far we’ve held these sessions in St. Louis, Los Angeles, Chicago, Dallas and Atlanta. 

Now go implement!

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