Upgrade from Vendor to Value-Creator to Acquire New Customers and Close Deals Faster

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Salespeople face the harsh reality today that many prospects and customers treat and view them as nothing more than mere vendors. In many cases, it’s not the salesperson’s fault. The prospect’s system, buying process, or procurement department are all set up to diminish the seller’s opportunity to create value and differentiate him/herself. It’s the reality we face as companies and buyers seek to commoditize their purchases (and take most of the fun, creativity, and margin out of our deals).

However, there is another side to this coin! From personal observation I can confidently declare there are also a whole lot of things salespeople do that cause the buyer/prospect/customer to see them as nothing more than a vendor or commodity seller instead of the value-creator/professional/consultant/trusted advisor that they so badly want to be perceived as.

This is a critical topic that is having such a negative effect on sales performance that I am going to address it twice, publicly, in the next month. I want to point out the very attitudes, approaches and behaviors that cause salespeople to be viewed and treated as nothing more than low-level vendors, pitchmen and commodity sellers. And I will offer several powerful and practical alternatives to help salespeople dramatically alter the way buyers perceive (and receive) them.

Opportunity #1: Tomorrow, October 21 at 1:00 Eastern: Free Live Webinar with five of my favorite sales guru buddies (Jeb Blount, Miles Austin, John Spence, Mark Hunter & Anthony Iannarino) and me. We’re bringing you a new format to foster a spirited interactive discussion covering “The Real Secrets to Closing Deals Faster.”  I will share my secrets to speeding up deals by upgrading how buyers see you. Don’t miss this! A big thank you to The TAS Group for sponsoring this event and bringing it to you live, free of charge. Register here to join us tomorrow. Sign up even if you can’t make it live so you can access the video recording in the future.


Opportunity #2: Full-Day Live Event, November 13th, Washington, DC/McLean, VA – Customer Acquisition Symposium featuring my same sales thought leader friends and me. If you’re anywhere near DC or can get there on Nov 13th, this is a can’t miss day. Six keynotes and six breakout sessions all with one focus: helping you acquire more new customers. My keynote is focused specifically on helping salespeople upgrade from vendor to value-creator. Thanks to Fred Diamond and the Institute for Excellence in Sales for organizing this huge event. Click here for FAQ, event details and to register. For just a few hundred dollars, spend a day with all six of us and leave with incredibly powerful and practical ideas you can put into practice right away. Here’s a brief video explaining more about why I’m so excited for November 13th:

Take advantage of this unique opportunity to hear from six top sales influencers and authors all in one place. What Anthony Iannarino shared in his recent newsletter  is true for me as well: This is the one time I’m speaking publicly this year. Every other speaking engagement was for client’s private sales meeting and not open to the public. Join my five friends and me near DC on November 13; I look forward to seeing you in person there!

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