It’s only been a few days since we announced the launch of the Sales Management. Simplified. Podcast and we’re absolutely blown away by the reaction and messages Episode 2 has generated!
I love podcasts. I love listening to them for entertainment, ideas, and for my own professional development. I also love being a guest on other people’s shows. Guessing that I’ve probably been on 70 different podcast episodes to talk sales and sales leadership. And…for years, people have asked why I didn’t host my own show. Well, I finally listened and couldn’t be happier to share…
Consider this your invitation join me and my expert guests as we tackle today’s toughest sales challenges and offer practical, powerful tips to help you…Lead more effectively, have more fun, and WIN MORE NEW SALES.
In the brief Introductory Episode learn why I decided to create this show specifically for sales leaders (the multiplier effect) and hear the differentiators that will set this podcast apart.
And do not miss Episode 2 where a rockstar sales leader shares how she transformed her team by tackling two critical sales management issues!
If you would like to hear how the most efficient and most effective sales leaders are streamlining sales management and driving more sales results in less time, join me for one of these free sessions on December 8th or 9th!
Learn how to get your life back, unbury yourself from corporate crap and low-value tasks that prevent you from leading your sales team and increasing revenue. I’ll bluntly share why so many sales leaders are overwhelmed and five key for being an incredibly effective (and energized) sales leader.