A Personal Note, a Challenge, and a Great Year-End Offer

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Sales Friends,

How is there less than a week till Christmas and only two till New Year’s?

It's a favorite, crazy, and certainly unique time of year. Somehow we manage to combine sprinting and shopping, partying and planning, worshipping and wasting, and recapping and reflecting all within these short few weeks!

I feel like I’m already doing all of the above, and this seemed like the perfect time to pause, to thank you, to share an update, and to extend an offer.

Let me start with a HUGE THANK YOU! Thank you for investing a portion of your precious time reading my content. I don’t take it for granted for even one minute how little discretionary time there is and how many options you have for sales and sales leadership content. I appreciate you and your readership and thank you for your confidence.

2019 was a year filled with big events and big decisions. We married off a child and celebrated our 25th anniversary. We launched a book and I’m still smiling from the passionate and creative efforts of the Launch Team that got Sales Truth off to a flying start! The OutBound Conference was a huge success, bigger and better than ever. Yet, I made the tough decision to step away and refocus on a few key initiatives (you, however, should still attend next May in Atlanta because it is the best sales conference on the planet).

Committed to further streamlining and simplifying my business, I reread Michael Hyatt’s Free to Focus book which challenged me while also creating more clarity than ever about “My Why,” and the choices and focus required to fulfill that mission.

My passion and absolute favorite thing in business is helping salespeople and sales teams WIN MORE NEW SALES. And as I’ve been evaluating not only how to do that better, but also how to help more salespeople and more sales leaders, the conclusions are clear — and counterintuitive. 

To create more value and provide more help to more people, I have to speak, consult, and travel less. Southwest Airlines' and Marriott’s loss could potentially be your gain as I put stricter caps on my speaking schedule to free up time to create content - Specific. Powerful. Relevant. Simplified. Easy to Implement. Content. 

Before wrapping this up and making an incredible offer below, let me challenge you with just a few questions to help prime your mind for some important end-of-year and New Year’s reflection.

If you are going to achieve breakthrough results and make 2020 the very best year of your career…

  • What are your two or three absolute highest-value, highest-payoff activities that you must get more of into your calendar?
  • Which low-value tasks, time-wasting, energy-sucking draculas must you reduce or delete from your life? How will you extricate yourself from these painful tasks/habits/distractions which destroy your productivity and performance? To whom can you offload some of these tasks?
  • And maybe the toughest question of all: what “good” things (good but not mission-critical, not energy-creating, not results-driving) need to be sacrificed to make room in your mind and calendar for the absolute most critical, energy-creating, and results-driving activities that will lead to achieving the breakthrough success you desire in 2020?

Don’t shortchange these questions (that were inspired from Free to Focus). Carve out some quiet time to reflect on 2019 and dream about what you truly want to achieve in 2020. I am convinced that your answers and the actions you take to implement those answers will be transformative.



While we are on the topic of transformative change… I want you to experience breakthrough results bringing in more new business in 2020 than you ever thought possible. 

The best way to do that is to absolutely master the basics of prospecting and new business development. The best resource for that is The New Sales. Simplified. Video Coaching Series, which is my very best work on that topic. And for New Year’s, I’m offering it at the very best price ever. 

Check out this special offer which also includes a live New Year’s Day Online Sales Kickoff Meeting.

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