Independence and Freedom: A July 4th Message for the Sales Community

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I love this country, am a proud American, and could not be more thankful for the freedoms we enjoy!  Freedom to learn. Freedom to read whatever we want. Freedom to worship. To choose our career. To pick our employer. To work as hard as we want. To create our own opportunities. Freedom to earn as much we can. Freedom!

Amidst all the divisive politics, tensions, confusion and discord today about which values are truly “American,” which political party truly embodies those values, and whether Nike was right and/or wrong to create and then pull their Betsy Ross Flag-themed new shoes, my Independence Day message is much less controversial and targeted squarely at the sales community:

If there is any group of human beings who should be thankful for and motivated by the concepts of Independence and Freedom, it is professional salespeople.

I. Love. Sales. and my favorite reward that successful sellers experience is FREEDOM. How great is it to be evaluated on what you produce and the results you achieve instead of the number of hours you work?

And within the sales community, the people who experience the most freedom are the ones who master creating their own opportunities – who take full responsibility for keeping their pipelines full. True sales opportunity creators don’t live as hostages to their company’s inbound marketing engine or whatever leads or appointments are served up to them by others. They own their sales funnel and don’t see themselves as victims. They free themselves from living in reactive mode and they free up their calendar to hunt for more business. These top producers are truly free, have the most fun, bring in the most New Sales, and they reap the biggest rewards!

Over the next few weeks, I’ll unpack the five keys to becoming a master opportunity creator in a series of posts. These keys can be found in Chapters 6 through 11 of my latest book, Sales Truth, which has become an Amazon #1 Bestseller and made 800-CEO-Read’s Business Bestseller list for June.


For the very first time, I’m inviting individual executives, sales leaders, and frontline sales managers to join me for a 1-Day Elite Experience. We’ve reserved the coolest venue for an all-day and all-evening event where we will focus exclusively on increasing sales management effectiveness and what it takes to create a healthy, high-performance sales culture that drives results for the long-term. Join me and a select handful of driven sales leaders for a high-powered, highly interactive session where we’ll cover sales leadership best practices and how to implement key takeaways from Sales Management. Simplified. More info here.

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