

Executives, Managers and Salespeople Must be More Selfish to Drive Improved Results

I wrote recently asking executives, managers and salespeople if they were moving the needle on high payoff activities or just simply busy. The piece got a lot of play and also caught the attention of the editors at Open View Labs who wanted to further explore the topic of being “Selfishly Productive.” And because this …

Executives, Managers and Salespeople Must be More Selfish to Drive Improved Results Read More »

Are You Moving the Needle on High Payoff Activity or Drowning in Details & Admin?

As I work with senior executives, sales leaders and salespeople, I’ve observed a trait that is common among top-performers in all three roles: The very best executives, managers and individual contributors are Selfishly Productive. I started incorporating the description Selfishly Productive into team sessions I was leading a few months back and noticed what an impact that phrase had …

Are You Moving the Needle on High Payoff Activity or Drowning in Details & Admin? Read More »