

My Closing Argument Against the #SocialSelling-Only and Inbound-Only Prospecting is Dead Charlatans

Ladies and Gentlemen of the Jury… For six years I’ve been prosecuting the case against what several of my friends and I have come to call the #SocialSelling-Only, the Inbound-Only Prospecting is Dead Charlatans. On many platforms, and in front of  many audiences, online and in-person, my friends and I have made the case that …

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Telephone Prospecting Tips Article #4: Anticipate the First “No” and Be Prepared to Push Past It

I’ve got bad news and good news about your prospecting call. The bad news is that, most of the time, regardless of how well you’ve done in the early stages of the prospecting phone call (right mindset, good voice tone, great start, and compelling, customer-issue-centered, value-dripping mini statement), it’s highly likely that the first request …

Telephone Prospecting Tips Article #4: Anticipate the First “No” and Be Prepared to Push Past It Read More »

Telephone Prospecting Tips #3: Two Phrases to Get the Call Off to a Great Start

Yes, it really has been a month since the last post in this series. My apologies for the delay; I have been sprinting (flying) toward Thanksgiving with events scattered from New Hampshire to Lake Tahoe, Philadelphia to South Padre Island, Chicago to New Hampshire, St. Louis to Boston, and Jersey City to Jacksonville in just …

Telephone Prospecting Tips #3: Two Phrases to Get the Call Off to a Great Start Read More »

Telephone Prospecting Tips Article #1: Getting the Right Mindset and Attitude

Prospecting is back! Who would’ve thought that good ole traditional prospecting and picking up the phone to proactively call (and interrupt) prospects (without permission) would become so popular again? Heck, for all the abuse and lies heaped upon prospecting and prospectors the past five years, I’m surprised that we even have phones anymore let alone …

Telephone Prospecting Tips Article #1: Getting the Right Mindset and Attitude Read More »

So Prospecting Ain’t Dead Yet and This Old Phone Still Works

I’m not gloating, but it is certainly a relief to see the social selling charlatans backpedaling a bit as their magic potion isn’t the be-all and end-all they promised. Amazing isn’t it? Everything has not changed. The sun still rises in the east, the Cardinals are in first place in the NL Central, and top-producers …

So Prospecting Ain’t Dead Yet and This Old Phone Still Works Read More »

Telephone Prospecting Tip: Sell the Meeting Not Your Solution

It’s been encouraging to see the phone making a comeback as a new business development tool. More and more sellers are getting serious about generating their own leads as they’ve realized that, in spite of the social selling “experts” dangerous preaching that everything has changed, prospecting is not dead at all. In fact, it may …

Telephone Prospecting Tip: Sell the Meeting Not Your Solution Read More »