Sales Process

Sales Process

Where is Your Strategic, Finite Target Account List?

Where is Your Strategic, Finite Target Account List? Selecting “Targets” is the first step in the New Sales Driver framework outlined in New Sales. Simplified. Selecting Targets is first for a reason. It’s one of the very few chances we (in sales) have to be strategic. If we’re really honest, most of what we in …

Where is Your Strategic, Finite Target Account List? Read More »

3 Very Different Companies with 3 Very Similar Sales Challenges

I hope your Fall 2017 Selling Season is off to powerful start. Like you, I am running hard to maximize impact during this critical time of year and I’m sure that many of you fellow road warriors can relate. I’ve been on so many planes and in so many hotels recently that it’s been difficult remembering …

3 Very Different Companies with 3 Very Similar Sales Challenges Read More »

A Very Different Take on “Closing” From Today’s Top Sales Improvement Expert

Seven years ago I discovered Anthony Iannarino as I was trying to figure out whom to follow on twitter and which sales blogs to read. The rest, as they say, is history. He’s not just a good friend and someone I greatly admire for his huge brain and wicked discipline (seven straight years of daily …

A Very Different Take on “Closing” From Today’s Top Sales Improvement Expert Read More »

30 Things I Wish Salespeople Would STOP…

I am tired of seeing salespeople flailing, failing and whining, quoting morons and false teachers, executing horrendous sales process, acting like amateurs, and shooting their own sales effort in the foot. The list below stemmed from a twitter rant several years ago where I reeled off consecutive tweets proclaiming what I wish salespeople would STOP doing …

30 Things I Wish Salespeople Would STOP… Read More »

Pre-Summer Sales Management Checklist

Happy almost summer! Things are feeling just about right around here. My oldest is home from Butler and today starts his first internship. My daughter returns later this week from completing her first year in Kansas State’s grueling architecture program, and my high school junior had his banquet/prom this weekend. Last night we grilled out on the patio with …

Pre-Summer Sales Management Checklist Read More »

My Closing Argument Against the #SocialSelling-Only and Inbound-Only Prospecting is Dead Charlatans

Ladies and Gentlemen of the Jury… For six years I’ve been prosecuting the case against what several of my friends and I have come to call the #SocialSelling-Only, the Inbound-Only Prospecting is Dead Charlatans. On many platforms, and in front of  many audiences, online and in-person, my friends and I have made the case that …

My Closing Argument Against the #SocialSelling-Only and Inbound-Only Prospecting is Dead Charlatans Read More »

Super Bowl Weekend Brain Super Food

It’s a pretty good bet that your Super Bowl spread won’t be as healthy what’s pictured above! And if you’re in sales, whether as an executive, sales manager, or individual producer, it’s also a safe bet that there are higher-value uses of your time on Sunday than watching seven hours of pre-game shows. Hence, the timing …

Super Bowl Weekend Brain Super Food Read More »

8 Ugly Reasons Sales Calls Derail

Salespeople are often sloppy, particularly when it comes to structuring and conducting initial/discovery sales calls. What’s perplexing is how many sellers simply take for these hard-earned customer/prospect meetings for granted. Today, it takes so much effort and energy to secure a meeting with a key prospect, yet salespeople don’t prep or plan anywhere near as much …

8 Ugly Reasons Sales Calls Derail Read More »

Are You or Your Sales Team Just Chasing Opportunities Instead of Targeting Strategic Accounts?

I love a warm lead as much as the next guy. And we can all certainly understand why most salespeople start at the bottom of their sales funnels and work their way up. That is the default mode of most sellers, right? They start their sales day by obsessing over the hottest deals in the pipeline …

Are You or Your Sales Team Just Chasing Opportunities Instead of Targeting Strategic Accounts? Read More »