

If You Have Faced Bullying, ADHD, OCD, or PTSD, or Know Someone Who Has, Chris Edom’s Story Will Inspire You

Every once in a while I see or hear something completely unrelated to sales that I feel compelled to share with you. This is one of those times. 29 years ago at The University at Albany, I met Chris Edom as he was was rushing the business fraternity when I was rush chairman. We’ve been …

If You Have Faced Bullying, ADHD, OCD, or PTSD, or Know Someone Who Has, Chris Edom’s Story Will Inspire You Read More »

Super Bowl Weekend Brain Super Food

It’s a pretty good bet that your Super Bowl spread won’t be as healthy what’s pictured above! And if you’re in sales, whether as an executive, sales manager, or individual producer, it’s also a safe bet that there are higher-value uses of your time on Sunday than watching seven hours of pre-game shows. Hence, the timing …

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Some of My Best Blunt Thoughts on Sales Culture (Podcast)

Consider this a belated New Year greeting my friends and followers. Hard to believe we’re four weeks into the year! Hope you’ve had an outstanding and highly productive January. My biggest challenge has been trying to remember where I parked in the airport garage and what hotel room I’m in from night night as the month …

Some of My Best Blunt Thoughts on Sales Culture (Podcast) Read More »

If Cold Calling is Dead I Guess My Client Didn’t Really Secure This Dream Prospect Meeting

I had an experience with one of my client’s top salespeople that prompted me to break out a favorite Princess Bride quote. Like many of you, I’m tired of hearing from today’s nouveau sales experts that prospecting is Dead; that it’s foolish and stupid to even think about picking up the phone to proactively call a prospect …

If Cold Calling is Dead I Guess My Client Didn’t Really Secure This Dream Prospect Meeting Read More »

My Best Practical Tips to Drive NEW SALES in This Powerful Podcast

I love talking New Sales and this incredible interview just posted by Doug Burdett (The Marketing Book Podcast) may be my favorite conversation yet! If you sell in any capacity, lead a sales team, or you’re an executive in a company that needs more New Sales, please invest the time to listen to this powerful conversation. …

My Best Practical Tips to Drive NEW SALES in This Powerful Podcast Read More »

Creating High-Performance Sales Teams and Details on My New Book Live Monday on BizLocker Radio

Every executive and every sales leader craves a high-performance sales team. For that matter, every legit A-player salesperson wants to be part of a winning sales team. What’s unfortunate is how rare it is to find the type of sales leadership and a truly healthy sales culture that promotes and sustains long-term high-performance. My friend, sales guru …

Creating High-Performance Sales Teams and Details on My New Book Live Monday on BizLocker Radio Read More »

6 Tips to Turn Your Sales Presentations from Pathetic to Powerful

I’ve never held back making my feelings known about the word “presentation” – particularly when pronounced by excited salespeople with the long e –  preezentation. Last week I shared about the boardroom disaster that was the most painful (and formative) lesson in my sales career.  If you haven’t had a chance to hear me telling the story …

6 Tips to Turn Your Sales Presentations from Pathetic to Powerful Read More »