

You Are Responsible for the Health of Your Pipeline, Results and Retirement Income

My sales management mentor, Donnie Williams (who was also my sales manager in the late 1990’s and my business partner in the early 2000’s), was great with one liners. He’s the one who came up with the quip I often use when salespeople tell us they are worried about selling more because production or the …

You Are Responsible for the Health of Your Pipeline, Results and Retirement Income Read More »

8 Ugly Sales Management Sins that Repel Talent and Destroy Your Sales Culture and Results

This Wednesday I’ll be the guest of sales performance expert Dave Stein on his Sales Executive Webinar Series for Sales & Marketing Management Magazine. If the title of this blog post intrigues, angers or interests you, click here for more info and to register. And since you are here already, let me encourage you to take two minutes …

8 Ugly Sales Management Sins that Repel Talent and Destroy Your Sales Culture and Results Read More »

If Cold Calling is Dead I Guess My Client Didn’t Really Secure This Dream Prospect Meeting

I had an experience with one of my client’s top salespeople that prompted me to break out a favorite Princess Bride quote. Like many of you, I’m tired of hearing from today’s nouveau sales experts that prospecting is Dead; that it’s foolish and stupid to even think about picking up the phone to proactively call a prospect …

If Cold Calling is Dead I Guess My Client Didn’t Really Secure This Dream Prospect Meeting Read More »

Experience the Transformative Power of Focus (with my guest expert, Les Hewitt)

I’ve been noticing how little time executives and salespeople actually spend on their highest-value activities and stated priorities. It sounds silly and it’s certainly nonsensical. If something is a major objective, a priority, or deemed highly-valuable, how in the world does it end up getting less of our time and focus? Even as I typed and now reread that last …

Experience the Transformative Power of Focus (with my guest expert, Les Hewitt) Read More »

HBR Webinar for Executives & Entrepreneurs: Is It Your Leadership & Culture Causing the “Sales Problem?”

I didn’t want to write Sales Management. Simplified. I was compelled to write it because of what I was observing in company after company with less than optimal sales results:  frustrated executives, overwhelmed, overworked sales managers, and underperforming, confused, poorly led salespeople  – many of whom working in anti-sales cultures. To say that I’m glad I …

HBR Webinar for Executives & Entrepreneurs: Is It Your Leadership & Culture Causing the “Sales Problem?” Read More »