

I am Speaking on Prospecting. Pipeline. Productivity. at the OutBound Conference in Atlanta

I often get notes from people who read my blog or books asking where they can attend a public event to hear me speak. It’s flattering to be asked, but also frustrating to have to respond that “you can’t come see me” because 99% of the events I do are private engagements (sales kickoffs, annual meetings, […]

I am Speaking on Prospecting. Pipeline. Productivity. at the OutBound Conference in Atlanta Read More »

July 4th, The Brexit & Terrorism – Thoughts on Freeing Our Calendar and Mind to Increase Sales

It feels like forever since I’ve posted an article. Thanks for your patience as I just wrapped up seven straight weeks of speaking engagements and have never been more ready for a long holiday weekend. Hope your first half of 2016 was what you wanted it to be and you are energized heading into Q3.

July 4th, The Brexit & Terrorism – Thoughts on Freeing Our Calendar and Mind to Increase Sales Read More »

Experience the Transformative Power of Focus (with my guest expert, Les Hewitt)

I’ve been noticing how little time executives and salespeople actually spend on their highest-value activities and stated priorities. It sounds silly and it’s certainly nonsensical. If something is a major objective, a priority, or deemed highly-valuable, how in the world does it end up getting less of our time and focus? Even as I typed and now reread that last

Experience the Transformative Power of Focus (with my guest expert, Les Hewitt) Read More »

If Sales Managers Are Not Coaching Their Salespeople Then Who Is?

The title of this post isn’t meant to be rhetorical. I’m serious. If sales managers can’t coach, won’t coach, or don’t know how to coach their people, then who is? Back in the day (I have enough gray hair now to use that expression), sales managers were the ones responsible for developing their people. Many

If Sales Managers Are Not Coaching Their Salespeople Then Who Is? Read More »

I’ve Never Been More Thankful for eaHELP and My Virtual Assistant

I couldn’t do what I do without my support team. Mary, my virtual assistant, and eaHELP, the company that provides the service, are the MVPs of that team. Right now Mary is handling everything ranging from managing my calendar and email inbox to planning travel around my son’s soccer schedule and existing client commitments to coordinating a

I’ve Never Been More Thankful for eaHELP and My Virtual Assistant Read More »

Back from Vacation, Rethinking Email, and Tackling Real-World Sales Issues

I returned from our family vacation and my annual e-sabbatical to a packed calendar, a long to-do list, and some intense client meetings. Like many of you have experienced, after a few days back to work, I began to wonder how long the benefits and battery recharging from vacation would last! For those who regularly

Back from Vacation, Rethinking Email, and Tackling Real-World Sales Issues Read More »