

7 Commitments I’m Asking of Sales Executives and Salespeople to Increase Sales in 2016

Figuring you’ve read enough predictable New Year’s predictions to make you gag and that you’re tired of being pandered to about how to make your resolutions stick, I wanted to offer a different approach to help us maximize sales performance in 2016. Skipping the pleasantries and softening statements and fully expecting to labeled as politically …

7 Commitments I’m Asking of Sales Executives and Salespeople to Increase Sales in 2016 Read More »

Real Sales Issues I’m Tackling with Clients and a Handful of Valuable Learning Opportunities

It’s the fall Selling Season and we all running hard. My encouragement is to keep sprinting and finish Selling Season strong! We’re only a few weeks from Thanksgiving in the US and you can rest then. Recently I’ve had conversations with various sales leaders who asked what I’m working on with my eclectic group of …

Real Sales Issues I’m Tackling with Clients and a Handful of Valuable Learning Opportunities Read More »

The Power of Personal Responsibility and Saying “My Bad” – Inspired by the Cardinals Losing Pitcher

It’s October, and here in St. Louis that means yet another year of post-season baseball and a drop in work productivity as much time and energy is expended talking about and watching our beloved Cardinals. I was amused reading an article in USAToday last week that the Cardinals have become the new Yankees and are now …

The Power of Personal Responsibility and Saying “My Bad” – Inspired by the Cardinals Losing Pitcher Read More »

A Behind the Scenes Look at Coaching a Top Producing Sales Rock Star

Early last year I wrote a post about the The Joy of Coaching Top Performers, and just recently an individual who I worked with in the past came back and basically insisted that we resume his coaching. I tried to respectfully decline because I felt like I’ve shared everything I could with him over the …

A Behind the Scenes Look at Coaching a Top Producing Sales Rock Star Read More »

What if You Prepared Better and Practiced More before Big Customer Meetings?

Professionals practice; amateurs wing it. When it comes to sales, which are you? Look at how many swings pro golfers make on the practice range compared to the number they take in a tournament. Or how about the number of swings or ground balls a major league ballplayer takes before every game? I have no clue …

What if You Prepared Better and Practiced More before Big Customer Meetings? Read More »

6 Powerful Sales and Culture Lessons from a Great Visit to Butler University

My oldest son and I just returned from two fantastic days at Butler University in Indianapolis. Several events drew us to the campus this particular weekend. There was an admitted students reception prior to Saturday evening’s basketball game against highly-ranked Villanova, and the College of Business put on a full-day program Friday offering the opportunity to …

6 Powerful Sales and Culture Lessons from a Great Visit to Butler University Read More »

The Sales Year is 1/12 Complete. Are You and Your Team on Track to Win?

Where did January go? Wasn’t it just New Year’s Day? Don’t know about you, but for me, the weeks flew by. In fact, the month came and went so quickly that it scared me into sitting down to review progress against my goals for the year. And that review inspired me to write this post …

The Sales Year is 1/12 Complete. Are You and Your Team on Track to Win? Read More »

Sales Management Challenge: Good Corporate Citizens & Team Players or Top Producers?

Last month I wrote a piece critiquing salespeople wearing logo shirts I was certain would cause many to throw rocks and call me names. Turns out every social share comment was positive and it ended up as my most popular post of the month. So, what do I know? Having said that, my confidence is a bit higher that …

Sales Management Challenge: Good Corporate Citizens & Team Players or Top Producers? Read More »

Why Wearing a Company Logo Shirt Sends the Wrong Sales Message

A few times per year I write a post that I’m pretty sure will  be unpopular. Based on how many salespeople I see wearing embroidered logo shirts, this one certainly will ruffle a few feathers – at least that’s my hope. Here’s my premise: Way too many salespeople wear their company logo (golf, polo or …

Why Wearing a Company Logo Shirt Sends the Wrong Sales Message Read More »