

Mike on OutBound Stage

Why The OutBound Sales Conference is Such a Unique and Powerful Opportunity to Up Your Sales Game

With the 3rd OutBound Sales Conference less than three months away, I keep getting asked why OutBound has become so popular and what makes it unique. My answer is threefold. First, it’s the very specific focus. Every session is designed to help individual sellers and sales team leaders increase effectiveness in these areas:  Prospecting. Pipeline.

Why The OutBound Sales Conference is Such a Unique and Powerful Opportunity to Up Your Sales Game Read More »

The Most Valuable Salespeople Don’t Wait for Opportunities; They Create Them

I have worked with way too many salespeople whose single biggest challenge is that they live in reactive mode. They sit and they wait. They wait for a lead. They wait for a customer to raise its hand and make a need known. Instead of proactively working their strategic target account list, they wait to

The Most Valuable Salespeople Don’t Wait for Opportunities; They Create Them Read More »

Permission Granted to Block Your Calendar, Focus on High-Payoff Activity and Become Unavailable for Short Periods of Time

In my last post, I made the bold statement that in order to become more productive at work AND to improve our quality of life, we must become more selfish (in a good way), and more focused on the very few things that truly move the needle – that increase productivity. Productivity, or the lack thereof,

Permission Granted to Block Your Calendar, Focus on High-Payoff Activity and Become Unavailable for Short Periods of Time Read More »

To Increase Both Your Productivity and Quality of Life…

Most of us are overwhelmed, overworked, and most definitely over-connected. As a consequence, the salespeople, sales leaders, and even the senior executives I work with, tend to be under-focused, under-disciplined, under-rested, under-vacationed, and unfortunately, under-productive. I get it. There is always something urgent, and there are what feels like a ridiculous number of requests and

To Increase Both Your Productivity and Quality of Life… Read More »

Announcing OutBound – The #1 Sales Conference for 2018: Prospecting. Pipeline. Productivity.

Last April, Jeb Blount, Mark Hunter, Anthony Iannarino and I launched the first OutBound Conference (pictured above). It was a sales conference for salespeople and sales leaders who wanted to take ownership of creating their own sales opportunities, responsibility for filling their sales funnels, and to experience success bringing in record amounts of New Sales. We were

Announcing OutBound – The #1 Sales Conference for 2018: Prospecting. Pipeline. Productivity. Read More »

You Are Responsible for the Health of Your Pipeline, Results and Retirement Income

My sales management mentor, Donnie Williams (who was also my sales manager in the late 1990’s and my business partner in the early 2000’s), was great with one liners. He’s the one who came up with the quip I often use when salespeople tell us they are worried about selling more because production or the

You Are Responsible for the Health of Your Pipeline, Results and Retirement Income Read More »

Back from Vacation, Rethinking Email, and Tackling Real-World Sales Issues

I returned from our family vacation and my annual e-sabbatical to a packed calendar, a long to-do list, and some intense client meetings. Like many of you have experienced, after a few days back to work, I began to wonder how long the benefits and battery recharging from vacation would last! For those who regularly

Back from Vacation, Rethinking Email, and Tackling Real-World Sales Issues Read More »

Are You Moving the Needle on High Payoff Activity or Drowning in Details & Admin?

As I work with senior executives, sales leaders and salespeople, I’ve observed a trait that is common among top-performers in all three roles: The very best executives, managers and individual contributors are Selfishly Productive. I started incorporating the description Selfishly Productive into team sessions I was leading a few months back and noticed what an impact that phrase had

Are You Moving the Needle on High Payoff Activity or Drowning in Details & Admin? Read More »