Virtual Sales Kickoff

Virtual Sales Kickoff

You Are Responsible for the Health of Your Pipeline, Results and Retirement Income

My sales management mentor, Donnie Williams (who was also my sales manager in the late 1990’s and my business partner in the early 2000’s), was great with one liners. He’s the one who came up with the quip I often use when salespeople tell us they are worried about selling more because production or the …

You Are Responsible for the Health of Your Pipeline, Results and Retirement Income Read More »

Powerful Tips on Prospecting, Pipeline, and Productivity at the 2017 Virtual Sales Kickoff

The Sales Kickoff Meeting Season for 2017 is nearing its end. I’ve been privileged to speak to many sales teams across North America over the past six weeks, and there’s still one GIANT kickoff meeting remaining on my calendar. The good news is that you’re invited, it’s virtual, and you can attend from anywhere on …

Powerful Tips on Prospecting, Pipeline, and Productivity at the 2017 Virtual Sales Kickoff Read More »

Not Taught: An Irreverent, Relevant, Bold Wakeup Call from Jim Keenan

I get asked to review more books than I can possible get to, but when the one and only Keenan launched Not Taught: What It Takes to be Successful in the 21st Century that Nobody’s Teaching You, I immediately headed to Amazon to grab a copy. If you don’t know or follow Keenan (yes, he has a first …

Not Taught: An Irreverent, Relevant, Bold Wakeup Call from Jim Keenan Read More »