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Post-Sabbatical Takeaways on People, Places and My Professional Life

Not sure why it took working full-time for 35 years before pulling the trigger to make this happen, but I am so thankful that I finally listened to advisors, mentors, friends, and peers telling me to do it. I recently completed my first-ever sabbatical. 30 days off… The entire experience was wonderful, instructive, life-giving, convicting,

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A Proven and Powerful Opportunity for Sales Leaders to Reset. Refocus. Recharge.

After a long, long wait… I. Could. Not. Be. More. Excited. to announce that in-person SUPERCHARGE YOUR SALES LEADERSHIP EVENTS are back! And there couldn’t be a better time as we enter this new/next (coming out of Covid) phase.  Sales leaders, NOW is the time to reset our mindset, refocus our priorities, and recharge ourselves

4 Simple Ways for Sales Leaders to Stay Sharp in 15 Minutes Per Day

I was recently asked a great question while on a call with (an American) executive in Japan who is going through the Sales Management. Simplified. Video Coaching Series. He asked what he could do in 15 minutes per day to sharpen his acumen as a sales leader. What a great question – and one I’ve never

This Exhortation to Undergrad Sales Students Applies to All of Us!

The student leaders in the phenomenal sales program at Kansas State University (read about it in Chapter 11 of Sales Truth) asked me to lead a session covering “How to Get Your First Promotion.” It was a great request that forced me to reflect back on the early days of my career and others’ successful careers

6 Practical Tips to Power-Up Your Prospecting

It’s pretty safe to assume that just about all of us in sales and sales leadership agree that we’d like to see salespeople securing more meetings with prospective customers.However, the method for HOW sellers should go about securing those meetings is an area where this is a surprising amount of disagreement. Several episodes of my recently

You Have a Critical Choice on This 1st Business Day of 2021

Not sure there’s ever been more collective agreement on a single topic than the universal desire to close the book on last year and put 2020 in the rear-view mirror! The good news? It’s over. Congratulations. You made it. The even better news? Sales Friends, there is light at the end of the tunnel! You are going to

Before Your Write Your 2021 Business Plan, Ask These 3 Questions

‘Tis the Season for salespeople to draft their business/sales plans for the upcoming year. There is so much good derived from the process of preparing, writing, and presenting annual plans that it’s hard to understand why it’s not mandatory! I won’t take up space here attempting to sell you on the powerful benefits, but if you

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Obedient Order-Taker and Yes-Men/Women Salespeople Don’t Win More Business

Sales Friends, I get it. We want to be liked. We want to be seen as responsive. We want to show customers that we care and that we listen and that we can follow instructions…  All of those things are wonderful.  But there’s just one little problem:  very often defaulting to our prospect’s (or their

The ROI Is Huge for Those Who Implement

This is Trevor. He’s the senior executive of a company he founded in the UK. He’s also an amazing human being. I think it is fair to say that after the few days we just spent together at our Supercharge Your Sales Leadership event in Atlanta, our relationship crossed from client-coach to friends. The way